Benefits of accreditation
Benefits of accreditation
Accreditation has a range of benefits for both resource providers and students themselves.
Benefits for education resource providers: Accreditation has a number of benefits for those developing education curriculums, teaching resources, and teacher qualification courses. It provides a service which can let you have an external body of educators check through your materials and processes to ensure that they meet the required standards for the given objectives.
For curriculums and teaching resources, you can check that the program is suitably paced, contains suffificient details and information on the given topic, has sufficient assessments, and that as a whole package can meet the given learning objectives.
For teaching qualification courses, accreditation has similar benefits, but it also goes further. Here, it helps you to check that you have suitable processes in place to ensure your course graduates have enough access to support, and that your organisation proccesses have enough resources planned to continue delivering your course with your current growth plans.
Benefits for students: It can be difficult for students to choose a qualification course or educational resource. With such a variety available, it can be a challenge to know which to purchase. Having quality accreditation can help to give peace of mind that they’re investing time and funds into resources that have been thoroughly checked through.
Accreditation from ETQC also lets students know that they’ll assessed on a fair and equal basis with other students, and that factors such as age, race, and physical abilities are kept hidden from all marking procedures.